Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Important Branches of Biology

Name of the Study - Description

Anatomy - The study of morphology of internal systems or organs.
Autecology - The study of individual organism or a single species and their relation to the environment.
Bacteriology - The study of bacteria.
Biochemistry - The study of chemistry of various biological processes.
Bioinformatics - The mathematical, statistical, and computing methods that aim to solve biological problems using DNA and amino acid sequence and related information.
Biophysics - The application of various tools, techniques, methods, and principles of physical science to the study of biological problems.
Biotechnology - The application of technology to biological process for industrial, agricultural, and medical purpose.
Botany - The study of plants.
Cytology - The study of cells.
Ecology - The study of relationship of organisms to one another and their environment.
Ethology - The study of the behavior of animals in their natural environment.
Exobiology - The study of extra-terrestrial life.
Genetics - The study of inheritance and variations and the factors controlling them.
Histology - The study of tissues and cells at microscopic level.
Marine biology - The study of marine organisms.
Microbiology - The study of microscopic organisms.
Molecular biology - The study of molecular organization of the organisms.
Morphology - The study of external body structure.
Mycology - The study of fungi.
Palynology - The study of pollen grains.
Paleontology - The study of fossils.
Phycology - The study of algae.
Physiology - The study of the way in which organisms or parts of organisms function.
Synecology - The study of group of organisms involving different species and their relation to the environment.
Virology - The study of virus.
Zoology - The study of animals.

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