Wednesday 29 January 2014

Persons With Popular Names in The World

Light of the world - Jesus Christ
Prince of Pilgrimage - Huien Tsang
The Wizard of Menlopark - Edison
Rascal Monk - Rasputin
Good Shepherd - Jesus Christ
Apostle of Free Trade - Richard Cobden
King of Rock and Roll - Elvis Presley
Columbus of Space - Neil Armstrong
Master of Suspense - Alfred Hitchcock
Second Duke - Benitto Mussolini
Iron Duke - Duke of Wellington
Poet's Poet - Edmund Spencer
Desert Fox - Erwin Rommel
Lady with the Lamp - Florence Nightingale
GBS - George Bernard Shaw
Little Corporal - Napolean Bonaparte
Maid of Orleans - Joan of Arc
Fuhrer - Adolf Hitler
Man of Blood and Iron - Otto Von Bismarck
Maiden Queen - Queen Elizabeth I
Bard of Avon - William Shakespeare
Grand Old Man of Britain - Gladstone
American Gandhi - Martin Luther King
The Daughter of East - Benazir Bhutto
Iron Butterfly - Margaret Thatcher
Iron Lady - Margaret Thatcher
African Gandhi - Dr. Kenneth Kaunda


  1. This is very important things to all children to know

  2. This is very important things to all children to know

